Tuesday, November 17, 2015

#1 Fools Chronicles 12 tips on conquering and dealing with foolishness

In life you will encounter people that think they know everything. In their minds everything they do is right and if they happen to do something wrong its never really their fault. These type of people refuse to own their flaws which in turn puts them in the category of being a fool. Why? Because there is no perfect  person walking the face of the earth and to think that you do no wrong is both simple minded and foolish. We all have flaws and we all can stand to be corrected  in some areas of our lives and its foolish to think your beyond correction. Those who claim to be the smartest oftentimes are smart where book knowledge is concerned but most often lack common sense . These are the ones who place themselves on a pedestal that there lack of common sense does not allow them to  firmly stand on. When you place yourself in a pedestal you  must be careful because you put yourself in the position where your unable to accept any type of constructive criticism. This type of behavior will eventually  backfire on you and cause you to  not only look simple but it will also stunt your growth. You can't grow if you think you have no faults. Sometimes God will  place people in your life to give you the constructive criticism  that no one else had the courage to give you and if you waste that opportunity to learn by becoming defensive and offended you will have missed a opportunity to learn something that could potentially help you along on your journey. Don't hate the messenger take that energy to do a self reflection look in the mirror and use what you've learned to move you from foolish to favored.

1 comment:

  1. I'm late reading this but it is so very needed today!!! #takingheed
