Wednesday, October 29, 2014


When a house is being built it's the foundation that keeps it standing and sturdy .without a firm foundation the house will always be in danger of collapsing. Would you purposely move into a house that you know doesn't have a firm foundation and could collapse at any time? No so the same holds true for people that are emotionally unstable or emotionally unavailable. If you meet someone and they are needy, clingy, always demanding your full attention at all times and gets angry when you don't answer them right away or call them back right away and most important red flag is they can't be by themselves. These are all red flags that the person is emotionally unbalanced. This doesn't make them a bad person it just makes the emotionally unstable which will eventually either drive you crazy or the relationship will just break apart like the house without firm foundation.
Emotional stability should be at the top of your "nonnegotiable list" some things when it comes to relationships should be nonnegotiable meaning if they aren't emotionally stable you shouldn't waste your time with them. Emotionally instability causes a person to constantly seek validation from every one they come in contact with and sometimes depending on the severity of it they will stop at nothing to get the attention they are seeking and they will take it from whoever is willing to give it out. This is why it's very important that you evaluate people before allowing them to get too in tangled in your personal space. Sure they may be nice and they may have charming complimentary words that they speak but if they prove to be unstable emotionally they will eventually suck all the good energy right out of you. They are constantly calling you constantly needed you to tell them they look nice and constantly needing your praise for every little thing they do. Their life is not complete unless you’re paying them some attention.
Have you ever heard anyone say "I can't breathe without them"? What do you mean you can't breathe? You came into this world breathing without them. That's a classical statement made by unstable people. You’re a grown adult and you’re putting out to the universe that if you can't be with this one particular person you can't function and it's a billion other people in the world.  If that doesn't scream unstable what does? Oftentimes we see these type of red flags in our mates and we tend to ignore them because that person is doing something to fulfill a need .Never mind that eventually if gone untreated or not addressed this person can potentially be the cause of your downfall if they don't get a hold of their emotions. This does not only apply to romantic relationships it also applies to friendships as well. When entering any type of relationship make sure the person you’re in relationship with is capable of dealing with themselves when no one else is around. The constant neediness and draining will take you on an emotional roller coaster that may never stop. When faced with this type of person just ask yourself "would I move into a house whose foundation was not stable? You’re emotional stability plays a huge part in each and every relationship you enter into if you or someone you’re in close relationship with shows any of the traits listed encourage yourself or them to do a self-evaluation and see what's causing the imbalance so that you may use that information to build a bridge and get over it.

An emotionally healthy person makes a great friend/ mate.