Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Is she less than a mother?

Just as a women should be careful of what type of men she brings around her kids so should men be careful of the type of women he brings around his kids.Just because she gave birth to a child it doesn't make her a mother. Mothers nurture, sacrifice and put there kids needs in front of hers. A mother serves as a constant advocate for her kids well being even if it means she has to suffer a little in the process. Mothers are attentive to their children and makes decisions based on the best interest of her child. Women that put men in front of their kids, spend more time with a man than  she does with her adolescent children and  allowing their selfishness to put their own desires in front of the kids well being are not mothers they are simply egg donors. They had sex the man fertilizes her eggs and she became pregnant this process doesn't guarantee good parenting it just simply says a child has been born into the world because their parents didn't use the proper protection.
Egg donor: a woman who boar her kids for reasons other than her genuinely wanting to be a mother. She had kids because the man she was sleeping with at the time wanted kids or because she thought having a child would keep the man around. There is absolutely no maternal instincts in this woman.  The kids are here and she has to deal with them but the manner in which she deals with her kids prove she's not maternal. You can tell if she's just a egg donor once you monitor her actions where her kids are concerned. Here are a few ways to detect a egg donor and or sperm donor

1. The kids are never with them
2. When they have the kids they are paying them no attention
3. Their women / men come before their kids
4. They fit the kids into their schedule rather than planning their schedule around her kids.

a message to the guys: If you are good  parent to your kids be careful not to attach  yourself to a egg donor because she will eventually have you treating your kids in the same manner as she treats hers.