Monday, July 20, 2015

Ms. Desperate VS Ms Confident how to overcome Desperate Woman's Syndrome

When she reaches the level of maturity where she realizes that suffering from desperate woman syndrome will never get her Mr right she will have more time  available to search her own soul and learn how to love herself enough to find out that it's her spirit and her personality that will attract Mr right not her bank account....

Desperation is a trait men see in a woman almost instantly. Before the first encounter is over he will be able to measure a women's level of self esteem if he senses her self esteem is low the dynamic in which he treats her moving forward will be detrimental to her soul. Oftentimes when a woman's self esteem is low she tends use material things such as money and sex to hold on to a man. Most women by nature are givers so once a man realizes a women has low self esteem his plan is to get whatever he can get from her with no intention on truly loving her or providing any form of reciprocity. This is the reason why It's important for a woman to not only verbalized that she loves herself but  she must prove it through her actions. Confident women know that they are queens and queens don't need to buy men they just exercise self control  and they take time to get to know themselves so that when the man she prayed for comes along she's sure he was sent by God and not by the Enemy to just merely distract her from Mr right. 
When you suffer from desperate woman syndrome  you don't  take time to look at the red flags and heed to them because  your so sure your way works. You want to be in  a relationship so bad you miss all the signs that God sent to tell you  he was wrong and you continue to follow the enemies plan that was set in place to distract you. Once you submit to the distraction  you'll show your insecurities by chasing him, buying him ,and giving him all the information he needs to set up his plan to take from you until there's nothing left to take and once he's depleted you he will walk away and find another victim to manipulate. All women must come to the point when they realize they are powerful just by waking up everyday. Your worth lies in how you feel about yourself and once you know that you are worthy of the best you will no longer settle for less nor will you feel the need to have to buy people in order for them to stay with you. Remember your vulnerabilities are most  noticed when your acting  out of desperation. Users  will always take your vulnerabilities and use them to manipulate you and use them for their own personal gain. Make a decision today that you will not live a life of desperation instead you will practice learning the art of self control, patience and confidence for this is where you will begin to live like a queen is supposed to live and that's the moment when you attract men that are equipped to treat you the way you deserve to be treated this is confidence this is queen status......

When a man approaches a confident woman with high self esteem he will know immediately that the games he has played with ms desperate will not prove profitable with her. At that moment  the man will either accept the challenge of dealing with a real grown woman  because he's a real grown man or  he will back down back  and head back over to the thirsty desperate chicks. When he backs down its proof that he wasn't on your level to begin with and your ok with his dismissal  and little to none of your time has been wasted. Confidence is a attribute that every woman should strive for because its at this stage of your journey that you realize you are worthy of nothing but the best and you have the self control and the patience to wait for the one that will give you everything your heart desires this is when life gets good......