Saturday, January 23, 2016

Fictional speakers / Factual speakers who are you listening to?

In life you will encounter two types of people that you will engage in conversation with. Some will speak factual and some will speak fictional. Fictional speakers often can be classified as delusional.They speak the way they desire their life to be the problem is it hasn't come to fruition yet which means its not true which in turn makes it fictional. Once you realize this character trait in a person it would be to your advantage to not entertain them. Continuing to entertain a fictional speaker will pull you into their delusion of life and in  time you will find yourself behaving in the same manner.
Factual speakers speak only on the facts anything that they say they have proof to back it up. They mainly speak on things that they have gone through in their life or things that others have gone through which means they have knowledge of what they're talking about .They don't make things up they speak only from what they see and how they perceive it.
Fictional speakers will often times create a atmosphere that can only be seen by them it's not real it's a delusion or an illusion of a portrait they have painted about their lives. How do you determine whether not a person speaks fictional or factual?
As you pay attention to their actions and you watch how they live this will show you if what they're saying is true or false once you realized a person is a fictional speaker you no longer take to heart anything that they say because chances are its not true these are the people you should detach yourself from, It's not that you think you're better than them it's just that they're thinking pattern is dysfunctional and if you continue to entertain them it could cause you a great deal of frustration.
The safest person to attach yourself to is the factual speaker someone that speaks the truth and only speaks on facts this person will be honest with you they will be truthful with you and although you may not like it at times it's usually something that you need to hear that will aid in your growth and maturity. This is the type of relationship that you take with you to the next level this is the person that will not sugarcoat anything. They will tell you exactly what you need to hear. Is this person perfect? absolutely not they make mistakes and have made mistakes but chose to learn from them. The wisdom that they are bestowing upon you is something good and will bring forth good fruits to your life this is the person you want to keep around. Lose fictional and gain factual.

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