An investment is something people make in a effort and the hopes that something tangible will come as a result of it. When someone invests in the stock market they carefully watch it and pay close attention to their stocks because they are hoping for it to double and triple and make them lots of money. People that invest in a business will put their money into growing the business so that at a later date the business will flourish and the money will continue to grow. These forms of investment will sometimes bring forth revenue and sometimes lose revenue but the return on it if done correctly will be a good one. Investing in relationships carry the same connotation but affects your emotions in a different way. We must be careful when we invest in people. Unlike the stock market or a business people tend to pull more at our heart strings. A good parent invests in their children by spending time with them and raising them so they can be great adults this is a good investment and will have a great return if done properly. When we invest in romantic relationships and friendships we must be certain not to invest too much of anything especially in the beginning. Oftentimes the beginning of a relationship is exciting its fun your learning about a new person and you want to tell them everything about you and what you do. The problem with that is if you divulge this information too quickly you haven't made a clear assessment of whether or not they deserve to know all about you. Investing too much of anything too quickly in a relationship can be a catalyst for disaster. Be it time, money, sex or just conversation the return on investing in something that's not worthy will not bring in good results. Women often make their mistake in relationships by investing too much time money and sex into men that never even deserved a second phone call. Women think that letting a man know that she's financially stable and can take care of herself and him will keep him around. This tactic only works on a weak man. This investment is normally short lived because once the novelty wears off even the weak man will walk away. When deciding to invest in a person the stakes are high. Once you've invested so much you begin to blind yourself to some of the things they are doing that you know are wrong and once you've invested so much you won't even care if what they are doing is wrong you stay because you've invested so much and you don't want to start over again. Investing into selfish self centered people will only bring you disappointment and little to no reciprocity. Selfish people only have one person on their mind and that's themselves anybody else is just a pawn on their game of chess and will be discarded if you stop giving and doing things for them. Before deciding to invest in a person make sure you have seen the selfless side of them on more than a few occasions. The moment you sense selfishness know that this investment will have no good return.
Investing time should be the main objective in the beginning of any relationship if your secure in yourself and you know your worth time is all that's needed. What you have in your bank account and what your financial capabilities are should not be the initial form of investment. Removing that will allow you to see the person for who they really are and to see if they will accept you without those extra additives. Time is the key and time will tell you everything you need if the time you invested deems to be wasted that's OK at least you learned something from it and can apply what you learned to the next relationship. There's a big difference in investing time and investing money and sex. Money and sex breed temptation. Acting on it will place blinders on your ability to discern the person true intent.Your focus is now on the good feeling your flesh is feeling and taking your focus off what the spirit has to reveal to you about this person. When choosing to invest in a person make sure its a solid investment that will deem a good return because anything less than that will leave you your bank account and your heart empty.
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