Psalms 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
The condition of your heart will determine how your life turns out. Without your heart your body could not survive life.Oftentimes we just look at the heart as a organ inside of our body that pumps out blood. What we fail to do is to study the conditions of our hearts as well as the hearts of others. A careful look at the condition of a persons heart can save you a lot of time because if their heart condition is bad the way they treat you will be bad. Below are my picks of different heart conditions. If you see yourself in any of these or if you see people you have a close connection within these descriptions take time to own the information and do what's needed to continue being big hearted or make some changes and get rid of your bad heart doing this will change the quality of your relationships.
BIG HEART- Big hearted people are generous ,selfless and kind they love to help others and they love to make people feel good they will give their last to anyone in need. It is proven that having a big heart is a good way to be especially because its the way God designed us all to be.While being a good trait having a big heart can sometimes bring on big pain.When your heart is open and big it's susceptible to pain. When someone doesn't appreciate your heart or is incapable of being a good person themselves, they will oftentimes take advantage of the big hearted person leaving them with a void. To possess a big heart is to possess a caring heart when you genuinely care about other people and their feelings you rarely do anything that would be hurtful to them this is a huge attribute for the big hearted person, Having a big heart is a wonderful place to be on your journey it's also a difficult place to be especially if you haven't properly studied the conditions of peoples hearts. Big hearted people oftentimes connect themselves to selfish hearted people and the connection never prove fruitful to the big hearted individual this is why having discernment is essential to aid in weeding out the cold, selfish, broken hearted people. Once this concept is learned the big hearted person will begin to surround themselves with people that will appreciate their heart and not take advantage of it. Big hearted people are rare in the world today so if you run across one don't take advantage of them be appreciative of them in your life and treat them just as good as they treat you.
HARD HEART- The hard hearted person is the one that's been hurt one too many times be it at the hands of a parent a family member or friend somebody hurt them and whenever they tried to have an open heart somebody broke it. Having your heart hurt multiple times can eventually turn it hard. This is a time when you must also pray for discernment and learn who exactly you can give your heart to. hard hearted people normally hurt other people because they don't have any feelings they shut their heart down build a wall around it and no feelings come in or go out if you find yourself in some way connected to a hard hearted person you will never get the respect or the attention that you deserve because a hard heart doesn't feel. If you find yourself or notice other people behaving in a manner that is nonchalant and non caring it may be because their heart or your heart is hard once you develop a hard heart first recognize it as being a flaw and then you must work on it daily to soften. A hard heart can be softened with the right prayer and diligent work to be a better person if you find that a person that you're dealing with has a hard heart and they're perfectly okay with it do yourself a favor and disconnect from that person you'll never get what you need from them. Some signs of a hard heart is
1. Non communicative
2.No compassion
3. Shows minimal affection
4.non caring of others feelings
COLD HEART- The cold hearted person can be similar to the hard hearted person the only difference is when a person's heart turns cold it becomes numb. Cold hearted people lack genuine affection . They may show affection towards you sometimes but its only when there's a need. When they want something from you they fake acts of affection to get what they want. This behavior is almost always temporary. After the need is met they go back to non feeling and when people have no feelings they are unsympathetic unfriendly, insensitive and unloving. The cold hearted person has also been damaged and their past hurts or current hurts has caused their heart to turn cold. The danger of dealing with a cold hearted person is you will hardly never get anything positive from them. Cold hearted people lack joy in their heart because their heart is cold. Oftentimes people's hearts with turn cold when they go through a traumatic life situation or some type of tragedy that causes them to not want to feel anymore they feel like if they don't feel anything then nothing bad can come upon them. What they fail to to realize in that statement nothing bad will come upon them but nothing good will come upon them either. A cold heart breeds negativity and in order to maintain a healthy relationship with another human being you have to be able to have compassion and feelings of love for them and cold hearted people don't have feelings. It's not typical for a cold hearted person to admit that their heart is cold their behavior usually shows the coldness in their heart however if you yourself feel that your heart is cold then you should do a self reflection to find out what caused your heart to turn cold and once you realize what made you that way you can work towards releasing it and letting it go. This process of ownership and change will allow your heart to warm back up and your new warm heart will show you that there are people who's intentions are not to break your heart or hurt you you just have to surround yourself with the right people. If you are in relationship with a cold hearted person know that you should consider the health of your own heart because if a warm big hearted person stays around a cold heated person for an extended amount of time the warm hearted person will most likely pick up bad habits from the cold hearted person. Cold hearted people are the ones we learn to love from a distance and not get too close because cold hearted people give no reciprocity to big hearted people. Here are some signs of a cold hearted person
1. No compassion
2. Non empathetic
5.hard to love
BROKEN HEARTED- Broken hearted people become broken hearted because they have become or allowed themselves to become overwhelmed by grief or disappointment. Most often its a case of someone they loved disappointing them or letting them down and their heart is broken by it. Many times broken hearted people become despondent , mournful, sad and miserable. They carry these traits because they won't allow the broken pieces of their heart two mend back together most broken hearted people have been affected by another broken hearted person. If not dealt with its a vicious cycle of the saying hurt people hurt people. The cycle carries on with the broken hearted going around breaking other people's hearts because they have not yet realized that their heart too has been broken and has not been mended back together. you can determine if a person is broken hearted by the way they speak to and about you. Broken hearted people normally aim to break hearts because they have failed to take the proper time to heal their own heart. You can spot a brokenhearted person because their mood it's often time sad ,despondent and negative. You may find yourself looking at these behaiviors as them just having a few bad days or going through a hard time but you will soon notice the mood doesn't change. A heart broken person will not get better until they learn how to mend the pieces of their broken heart and the only way to do thisis the first own it as being a issue in your life and next dealing with the source that broke your heart and forgive it and let it go. This does not mean you must confront the person or situation that broke your heart it means you accept it for what it is and move past it don't allow the one that hurt you continue to rent space in your world once you release them this is the moment when your broken heart will mend back together.
When your heart condition is not in a good state you must shut off the valve and deal with what's going on.
In the physical sense when your heart gets clogged you have a heart attack
In the spiritual sense if your heart is clogged you lack the ability to show behaviors that are required to be a good person. The only way to cure a bad heart condition is to make positive changes and learn to let go of that which caused your heart to go bad. Embrace that truth and your heart condition will improve.