When we choose to become products of our environment and the environment is toxic, a generational curse begins to form. Generational curses derive from individuals who continue bad habits that were formed in their family years earlier. Because of the intensity of a generational curse its important that once you recognize a behavior as being a generational curse someone must step in and break it because if they don't the dysfunction will just continue on.The problem is oftentimes people become comfortable living in the curse so they don't attempt to break it. For example alcoholism can be classified as a generational curse. If a child grows up in a house where all the adults drink liquor throughout the day chances are when they become adults they either end up in homes with alcoholics or they become alcoholics. Why ? because if every time your child sees you your drinking a alcoholic beverage then they will grow up thinking well my parents did it so it must be OK for me to do it. This behavior will continue until somebody realizes that its wrong and they refuse to carry on the curse.Once you refuse you begin to display behaviors opposite of what the curse projected and that is when the curse is broken.
Another example of a generational curse is laziness and not wanting to work.Grandaddy didn't work or he sold drugs and they never seen daddy go to work cause he sold drugs then the kids will think its cool to not work and sell drugs.GENERATIONAL CURSE. The great great grand mother didn't work the great grand mother didn't work the grand mother didn't work and now here are a different set of kids coming up being groomed that they don't have to work to earn a living. GENERATIONAL CURSE. To grow up with the belief that working for what you want and being a responsible adult is not necessary is a wrong thought process but if nobody in the equation has been taught to do better and make changes the curse will continue. Its very important to study your families background and the family backgrounds of those we become intimate with because once you bring kids into the world its open season for generational curses to continue through your kids. Once the kids are here you can't change the family background but you can break the curse by making the behaviors unacceptable through your children .If you see that laziness is a family trait and your raising boys don't allow them to be lazy. Give them responsibilities that will guide them out of the curse And into a healthy way of living.The key to breaking generational curses is awareness of the problem and a passion to make changes in what has proven to be a detriment to many families. Generational curses are the downfall of many people and the reason for a lot of the bad behavior that people display in their lives and in their relationships. Do yourself and your love ones a favor and pay attention to the generation curses that linger in your family we all have them and once you pin point a action as a generational curse make it your mission to break it so it can't complete another cycle.
Another example of a generational curse is laziness and not wanting to work.Grandaddy didn't work or he sold drugs and they never seen daddy go to work cause he sold drugs then the kids will think its cool to not work and sell drugs.GENERATIONAL CURSE. The great great grand mother didn't work the great grand mother didn't work the grand mother didn't work and now here are a different set of kids coming up being groomed that they don't have to work to earn a living. GENERATIONAL CURSE. To grow up with the belief that working for what you want and being a responsible adult is not necessary is a wrong thought process but if nobody in the equation has been taught to do better and make changes the curse will continue. Its very important to study your families background and the family backgrounds of those we become intimate with because once you bring kids into the world its open season for generational curses to continue through your kids. Once the kids are here you can't change the family background but you can break the curse by making the behaviors unacceptable through your children .If you see that laziness is a family trait and your raising boys don't allow them to be lazy. Give them responsibilities that will guide them out of the curse And into a healthy way of living.The key to breaking generational curses is awareness of the problem and a passion to make changes in what has proven to be a detriment to many families. Generational curses are the downfall of many people and the reason for a lot of the bad behavior that people display in their lives and in their relationships. Do yourself and your love ones a favor and pay attention to the generation curses that linger in your family we all have them and once you pin point a action as a generational curse make it your mission to break it so it can't complete another cycle.
If you need assistance with breaking a generational curse consider investing in my three month personal growth coaching program. Learn more at www.daniellejhall.com
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