As a life coach I was trained to be an accountability partner that's one of the many exciting thing about life coaching you're not a therapist you're not a psychologist and you're not there to solve any one's problems you're just there to hold them accountable so during my training I've learned how to be an effective accountability partner and listen closely to what's being said as well as what's not being said. In my personal life that has not always turned out to be good for others because now I'm trained to hold them accountable for their roles in my life where years ago I didn't know that I was supposed to. Holding a person accountable does not mean you get to tell them about themselves and tell them everything that they do wrong all you have to do is sit back and observe exactly what they're doing and how they treat you when you find that the treatment does not match with the role that they're supposed to be playing at that time you have the right to speak to them about it this does not have to be done and a critical or attacking way. The tone you use will set the atmosphere for how a person receives what it is that you're saying to them. When you begin to hold people accountable you will experience negative feedback you will be accused of being judgemental you will be accused of being critical but as long as you pray about everything that you say before you say it to a person and you monitor the tone of voice that you're using the person that you speaking to can received the information better but if they can not that doesn't mean your still not supposed to hold them accountable it just means you have to find a way to relay the information to them so they can understand it. If you're not used to holding people accountable when you start the beginning may prove to be a little difficult because for some reason we forget how much power we really do have over our own lives and we often times give that power up to people who never showed themselves accountable for the title that was given to them. Holding people accountable is a giant step to total peace and restoration of your soul I say this because when you hold things in and you allow people to treat you any kind of way when the time comes that you really need those people they won't be able to help because you never held them accountable from day one. Sometimes it takes years and lifetimes for people to come to this realization so once you come to it and know that you indeed have the power to hold people accountable then you can start to practice it and your life will never be the same again.You will see positive changes coming from all directions the people that didn't know how to treat you at one time will be treating you like gold. And the people that weren't supposed to be there in the first place will vanish.
Once you realize you have control over your life and who is allowed to be in it miraculous things will begin to happen do yourself a favor today hold somebody accountable for their role in your life they might not like it but your spirit will thank you.
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