EMASCULATE :to make (a man) feel less masculine : to deprive (a man) of his male strength, role, etc.
: to make (something) weaker or less effective
Often times depending on their personality type many women will choose a man that they eventually will end up emasculating. When a woman emasculates a man she strips him of his God appointed manhood. The mans role in the relationship is to lead, protect, and provide for his family and the woman's role is to be his help mate. For many different reason women don't know this or they do know it and they choose to ignore it because they want to do it their way. One reason woman don't follow their correct role in a relationship is lack of knowledge and refusal to be by herself. The woman that can't function without a man will oftentimes settle just to say she has a man. This mindset will lead to you choosing someone that wasn't on your level from day one. Oftentimes its not taught to us that we should be equally yoked with our mates and then with this lack of knowledge we fail to take the time to study our roles in a relationship and for that we do things backwards and out of order. This happens because you don't know any better. When a woman is raised to be independent she is taught to make things happen whether a man does it or not. With this type of upbringing you tend to become self sufficient and aggressive and you adopt the "nurturing" spirit . nurturing women are usually kind hearted and very giving and although these are good character traits to possess you must be careful because this type of behavior attracts needy weak minded, selfish men. This is the man that's grown on his birth certificate but in reality he is a little boy trapped inside a grown mans body. This person is a easy target for emasculation simply because he has no desire to be responsible he wants to live care free and not have any real grown up responsibly he has no desire to lead protect or provide all he wants is for someone to take care of him so emasculating him is almost effortless and can sometimes be done without you realizing your doing it. Emasculated men don't have a say. Whoever is doing the most gets the most say in the relationship. A woman that takes on the role of the leader makes the decisions while her man follows. This is cute in the beginning but before its all over it will become a problem. When the woman realizes she's acting outside of her role she grows tired of being in control of things her man should be handling. This is pivotal moment in a women's life when she wakes up one day and realize she's growing and he's not and what's really bad is its all her fault. How? By needing to be in control and emasculating him years earlier her focus was on being in control and she never took time to realizes she picked a man that wasn't capable nor did he have a desire to be the leader of the household. In this situation its not likely that he's going change. Once you have emasculated a man for a certain amount of time its almost impossible to reverse the effects. In his mind he's saying "Why should he start being a man now?" Why should he take responsibility now? Why should he pay for something now?". So now the woman is tired of doing his job and hers and she wants change. I regret to inform you change is not going to happen WHY? because his lack of maturity wont allow it.
First of all you must embrace the fact that a REAL grown man cannot be emasculated why? Because mature minded men already know their role in a relationship so a woman will never have the opportunity to control him. Grown men take care of their families and have their own voice so understand if your man didn't show these grown man qualities in the beginning he's not going to start in the middle of the relationship .At this stage one of two things will happen you will either continue to deal with it and be miserable or you will set standards and be strong enough to walk away if he can't comply. And when you walk away know that its NEVER a woman's role to be the head of her household when there's a man there with her. Learn from it and grow from it.
If any of this resembled your situation take a moment to own it and work towards making positive changes. Self reflection is the best reflection.
First of all you must embrace the fact that a REAL grown man cannot be emasculated why? Because mature minded men already know their role in a relationship so a woman will never have the opportunity to control him. Grown men take care of their families and have their own voice so understand if your man didn't show these grown man qualities in the beginning he's not going to start in the middle of the relationship .At this stage one of two things will happen you will either continue to deal with it and be miserable or you will set standards and be strong enough to walk away if he can't comply. And when you walk away know that its NEVER a woman's role to be the head of her household when there's a man there with her. Learn from it and grow from it.
If any of this resembled your situation take a moment to own it and work towards making positive changes. Self reflection is the best reflection.